Category Archives: Uncategorized

Reminder of CIS VAT changes

Contractors and subcontractors registered for VAT and the Construction Industry Scheme will need to use the VAT reverse charge process for building and construction services from 1 March 2021. VAT registered subcontractors affected by this change will no longer add VAT to their invoices to contractors. Instead, the contractors’ accounting system will need to add […]

Online payment plans

Almost 25,000 Self-Assessment customers have set up an online payment plan to manage their tax liabilities in up to 12 monthly instalments, totalling £69.1 million, HMRC revealed recently. In October, HMRC increased the threshold for self-serve Time to Pay arrangements from £10,000 to £30,000 for Self-Assessment taxpayers. Once they have completed their 2019-20 tax return […]

Private residence, court actions available on separation or divorce

Couples may have experienced the difficulties that can arise when couples separate or divorce. One area where they may need to resolve are the options that courts have to direct ownership of the marital home. The courts can exercise their jurisdiction in the following ways. By recognising an existing equitable interest of the spouse or […]

Why go digital?

There is a major advantage to recording business transactions digitally; once the basic data has been entered it can be interrogated and represented in endless types of reports. During the present COVID disruption this ability to drill down or summarise data should be used to support business owners in making appropriate decisions. Accounting software, used […]