Category Archives: Business

What to expect in the coming year

Voting ballot

It will not have escaped your attention that Prime Minister Sunak will need to call a general election at sometime during 2024. The very latest election date that can be held is 28 January 2025. If results follow the polls, we are likely to see the Labour Party in charge once more. New brooms Politics […]

Opening up small company reporting

woman sat at desk with calculator filing business accounts

Companies House are working on detailed changes that will require small and micro sized companies to file information about their turnover and profits at Companies House. Once filed, this data will be available to anyone searching affected companies’ records at Companies House. At present, smaller companies can file abridged accounts that do not include a […]

Boost for small businesses

A man and woman looking at a laptop in a small business restaurant

In a recent press release, HMRC underlined the benefits to small businesses from the increase in the VAT registration threshold and the business rates freeze. Here’s what they said: “Small businesses have received a boost as the VAT registration threshold is raised from £85,000 to £90,000, and £4.3 billion of business rates relief comes into […]

Stand out from the crowd – small business owners

small business owners

It’s interesting to consider the challenges that are plaguing small businesses at present. For example: A frustrating inability to reestablish profit levels to fund investment or to maintain the living standards of employees and shareholders. Cash flow constantly hovering at zero or at overdraft limits. Having to witness the slow decline in profits retained in […]

Eligibility for the VAT Flat Rate Scheme

Eligibility for the VAT Flat Rate Scheme

The VAT Flat Rate scheme is open to VAT registered businesses that expect their taxable turnover in the next 12 months to be no more than £150,000, excluding VAT. The annual taxable turnover limit is the total of everything that a business sells during the year that is not VAT exempt. Under the scheme rules, […]

Beware rogue business rates agents

The Valuation Office Agency (VOA) is warning business owners to avoid taking advice from agents who approach them to reduce their business rates bills. According to Alan Colston, Chief Valuer at the VOA: “The vast majority of agents are reputable and provide a good service. But there is a small minority promising big reductions in […]